These big, ladder-on-frame SUVs are not meant for going fast, but for tackling tough terrain or hauling heavy passenger loads. However, we need them to be quick on their feet, especially when travelling long distances or cruising on the highway. We tested the Alturas G4, Endeavour, Fortuner and Isuzu mu-X to find out which one of these brutish SUVs accelerates and stops the quickest in real world conditions. Here’s a look at the on-paper specifications of these SUVs.

As far as engine sizes are concerned, it is the Ford Endeavour that has the highest displacement along with an extra cylinder. It results in the highest power and torque figures for the Ford. The Alturas has the smallest engine of the lot, but the figures suggest it’s still closely matched with the remaining rivals. In fact, it’s more powerful than the Toyota and Isuzu. The Fortuner and the mu-X have identical power figures but the latter has a lower torque output. How do all these disparities reflect in the real-world scenario? Let’s check out the results.

Performance Tests

The Alturas G4 is the quickest of all, despite its smaller engine. It’s faster than the rest in the 0-100kmph and quarter-mile run, but the Endeavour edges ahead in the kickdown acceleration tests by 0.11 seconds. The Fortuner and mu-X are neck and neck in both the 0-100kmph and quarter-mile runs. However, the Fortuner will be slightly slower when making those quick overtakes. Now, it’s time to see which one sheds speed the quickest.

Braking Distance

All of the SUVs are equipped with disc brakes on all four wheels, but it’s the Endeavour that takes a lead, closely followed by the Alturas G4. The mu-X and the Fortuner are significantly behind the top dogs coming in at third and fourth, respectively.

Fuel Efficiency

As expected, the car with the smallest engine is the most frugal of all. The Alturas G4 is the only car that delivers two-digit mileage figures within the city. Equipped with the biggest engine and an extra cylinder, the Ford Endeavour is the thirstiest, followed closely by the Fortuner and mu-X.

Highway efficiency is the best on the Toyota, separating it by 1 kmpl from the Isuzu with the Mahindra hot on its heels. The Endeavour is the only car that manages a sub-12kmpl efficiency figure on the highway.
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