Prime Minister Narendra Modi stopped his speech and asked a team of his doctors to check and help a person who was feeling unwell and collapsed due to the heat while he was addressing a gathering in Delhi on Saturday. He spotted a man feeling unwell during his speech and directed his team to take the man to a safer place and provide him with the required medical help. In the video posted by news agency ANI on X (formerly known as Twitter), PM Modi said, “Take him to a safe place by holding his hands and help him. Assist him and take off his pair of shoes.”
The incident took place when Modi was addressing a gathering after he arrived in Delhi from Bengaluru, following his visit to South Africa and Greece. Later, he restarted the speech. Notably, PM Modi was talking about Delhi hosting the G20 Summit next month. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was accorded a warm reception at the Delhi Airport after he arrived from his Greece trip.
He said he got a lot of congratulatory messages during the BRICS Summit over the success of Chandrayaan-3 and noted that the place on the Moon where ‘Vikam’ landed has been named ‘Shiv Shakti’.
He was quoted as saying by news agency ANI: “I went to attend BRICS in South Africa…I got a lot of congratulatory messages during BRICS for Chandrayaan-3. The whole world has sent congratulatory messages.” The Prime Minister said, “The point where Chandrayaan-3 landed, that point was named as ‘Shiv Shakti’.
He was also quoted as saying: “Shiv ki baat hoti hein toh Shubham hota he aur Shakti ki baat hoti hein toh mere desh ke Nari Shakti ki baat hoti he’…Chandrayaan-2 point was named as ‘Tiranga’.” BJP Chief JP Nadda and other party workers were present at the Palam airport to receive and welcome PM Modi, where he was seen waving at the crowd.