Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday morning inaugurated India’s first-ever driverless train operations on Delhi Metro’s Magenta Line connecting Janakpuri West and Botanical Garden, along with launching the fully operational National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) services on the Airport Express Line. ALSO READ | PM Modi Set To Flag Off 100th Kisan Rail Today From Maharashtra Via Video Conferencing

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also attended the inauguration programme. Flagging off the train via video conference, PM Modi said, "the inauguration of the first driverless metro train shows how fast India is moving towards smart systems."

The driverless trains will be fully automated, which will eliminate the possibility of human error. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation in a statement on Sunday said that these innovations will herald a new era of travelling, comfort and enhanced mobility for Delhi-NCR residents.

With the commencement of driverless trains on the Delhi Metro’s Magenta Line, DMRC will enter the elite league of 7% of world’s Metro networks, which can operate without drivers, DMRC statement read.

Delhi metro has been a pioneer in introducing technology-driven solutions for passenger comfort and this is another step in the same direction, DMRC added.

After the start of driverless services on the Magenta Line, the Pink Line of Delhi Metro is expected to have driverless operations by the mid of 2021.

What Is National Common Mobility Card?

Apart from this, the Delhi Metro on Monday also introduced the use of the National Common Mobility Card, on the Airport Express Line.

The National Common Mobility Card, which will be fully operationalised on the Airport Express Line, will enable anyone carrying a RuPay-Debit Card issued from any part of the country to travel on the Airport Express Line using that card. This facility will become available on the entire Delhi Metro network by 2022.