Prime Minister Narendra Modi continued his southern outreach ahead of the Lok Sabha polls by addressing a BJP rally in Kerala on Friday. Often referred to as "God's own country," Kerala remains a challenging battleground for the BJP, which has yet to make significant inroads, amidst the stronghold of the United Democratic Front (UDF) and Left Democratic Front (LDF).

Against the backdrop, PM Modi addressing a rally in Kerala's Pathanamthitta said, "Kerala's culture is connected with spirituality, but UDF and LDF are known for crushing this. The culture of Kerala promotes peace but UDF and LDF believe in political violence."

"LDF is known for looting through gold, UDF's identity is from solar power loot. To stop this game of looting, I have come here to seek your blessings," he said. 


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PM Modi expressed confidence in BJP's growing popularity in Kerala and predicted a significant shift in public support. The Prime Minister stated that this time, old records will be broken, disrupting the LDF-UDF dominance. He also expressed an unwavering commitment to the development of Kerala.

The PM said: "In the last 10 years, we have made all efforts for every category of people in every area as much as possible. We brought back nurses from Iraq who were stuck in a war. We brought back priests who were stuck amid a crisis. During Corona, Indians were brought back from every part of the world because wherever even one Indian was in trouble, our government stood with them strongly. This is 'Modi yude guarantee"