New Delhi: In a major goof-up, Pakistan’s permanent representative to the United Nations on Monday called UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson as the Foreign Minister of the country.

While tweeting a picture of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s meeting with the British PM, Maleeha Lodhi wrote: “Prime Minister Imran Khan met British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson this morning.”

In the picture, Khan can be seen sitting with his British counterpart as a part of their bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

After she was trolled left, right and centre for her gaffe, Lodhi removed the tweet and put out a fresh tweet, terming her previous blunder as a “typo.”

She tweeted: “Sorry typo in previous tweet. Prime Minister Imran Khan Met British PM this morning.”

This isn’t the first time, Lodhi has caused embarrassment to Pakistan. Previously, she had tweeted a picture of 17-year-old Palestinian girl with pellet injuries on her face as 'evidence' of atrocities on Kashmiris in India.

She had made the goof-up in her right to reply to External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's speech at the UN in 2017.

Her goof-up was strongly rebuked by India who lambasted the neighbour for using a fake picture to establish a false narrative.

(Additional inputs from ANI)