New Delhi: These days Twitter is witnessing a hashtag #StopVulgarityOnMedia that is trending. Pakistan Twitter users believe that intimate scenes and skin exposure shown especially in Bollywood movies are the prime reasons for a hike in rape cases in the country, hence they have started a campaign #StopVulgarityOnMedia on social media.

The brutal rape case of a 7-year-old Zainab Ansari in Pakistan a few days ago had shocked not just Pakistan but the entire world. Sadly instead of thinking of a broader concept to promote the safety of girls in the country, its social media users have started victim blaming. They blamed Bollywood movies and vulgarity on Pakistan media channels as the reasons for such cases.

Some netizens had tweeted that if the ban will not be imposed on Bollywood movies than the country should get prepared for more rape cases. They even targetted Pakistani actresses and blamed them for the rise in Rapes. Here are some tweets which will definitely boil your blood with anger.