New Delhi: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan seems to be having a tough time on the social media as he managed to trigger the angst of netizens second day in a row.

Khan in his latest speech in Wana, referred to his political rival and chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto as ‘Sahiba’ (madame) which stoked a huge controversy.

Apparently calling Bilawal as ‘Bilawal Bhutto Sahiba’, was the Pakistani PM’s attempt of showing his rival in inferior light, however, the Twitterati slammed the PM for being sexist in the speech.

A video clip of his speech is going viral on the internet, in which the possibility of the address being a slip of tongue is clearly ruled out. Khan’s supporters can be seen cheering loudly as soon as the remark was made.

On Tuesday as well, Khan became a subject of ridicule on Twitter when his video where he said Japan and Germany share the same border, during his Iran visit, went viral. He was then mercilessly trolled over his geographical knowledge.

Today too, Twitterers seemed in no mood  to let Khan get away with his “distatsteful” ‘Sahiba jibe’.

Khan's statement was also tweeted by PTI North Punjab Twitter handle

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