The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday conducted multiple raids in Jammu and Kashmir to dismantle the alleged elements involved in terror funding and radicalisation of youngsters. According to officials, the raids are underway at places including Gujjar Nagar and Shaheedi Chowk in Jammu city and Budgam district in Kashmir. The officials revealed that a private school and premises linked to three of its functionaries, including the house of the chairman, were raided by the NIA officials. The residences of former Jamaat chief Sheikh Ghulam Hassan and Sayar Ahmad Reshi of the banned outfit Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir were also searched in Jammu's Kulgam district, news agency PTI reported.

Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir was banned by the centre for five years in 2019 under anti-terror laws to prevent any "escalation of secessionist movement" in the state. The centre had cited reasons that the outfit was in "close touch" with militant outfits after which it was banned under Section 3 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.

NIA raided eight locations in Jammu and Kashmir in Dec, 2023

Earlier in December, 2023, NIA raided eight locations in Jammu and Kashmir's Shopian and Baramulla, among other areas, in connection with a terror funding case. The raids were conducted in close coordination with the J&K Police and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) at seven locations in Kashmir and one in Jammu. 

The raids were conducted after NIA arrested an accused in the Pakistan-backed terrorism case which involved delivery of weapons to active militants in Kashmir through drones. The locations that were raided included the residences and hideouts of suspects associated with the case. NIA shared the input on November 29 after NIA Jammu's team nabbed Zakir Hussain, a 22-year-old suspect from Kathua district on November 27. He was the eighth accused to be arrested by the agency after it took over the case from Kathua Police and registered a case on July 30, 2022. 

NIA had since then been on its toes to unravel the larger conspiracy of Pakistan-backed terrorist groups who have been carrying out acts of terror and violence in Kashmir valley and across India.