Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has declared he had “resolved” his problems with India. Without elaborating much, Oli in a recent interview to BBC Hindi Service, accepted the fact that once, there were misunderstandings between the two neighbours. 

"Yes, there were misunderstandings at one time, but now those misunderstandings are gone. We should not be stuck in past misunderstandings but move forward looking at the future . We have to pursue a positive relationship," the 69-year-old Nepal's embattled Prime Minister, who now heads a minority government, said. 

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Earlier this year, Oli in a televised address to the nation, had said that the outstanding issues relating to the border issue with India will be resolved through diplomatic channels on the basis of historical accords, maps and factual documents. 

Nepal last year published a new political map showing three Indian territories - Limpiyadhura, Kalapani and Lipulekh - as part of Nepal. The act erripted severe strain affecting the ties between India and Nepal since then. Reacting sharply to the move, India called it a "unilateral act" and cautioning Kathmandu that such "artificial enlargement" of territorial claims will not be acceptable to it.

Speaking over the ongoing Covid crisis, Prime Minister Oli thanked India for providing the vaccine for the first time and other healthcare supplies. However, he said that India should pay special attention to help Nepal, should help in a different way than other countries in controlling and ending the spread of the contagion.

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According to reports, China has provided about 1.8 million (18 lakh) vaccines while India has given 2.1 million (21 lakh) vaccines. Besided vaccines, India has also provided medical equipment to nepal to control the spread of the deadlt disease. Nepal's COVID-19 caseload crossed the 6-lakh mark on Sunday as 3,479 more peopl were infected with the virus.

(With inputs from PTI)