After former Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni announced his retirement from international cricket in August and later playing IPL, he has been enjoying time with family in Dubai. Also Read: IND vs AUS, 1st ODI: Security At SCG Comes Under Fire As Spectators Interrupt Play With ‘Stop Adani’ Protest

In a video uploaded by Chennai Super Kings, Dhoni can be seen celebrating birthday of his wife Sakshi where both are dancing accompanied by their daughter Ziva. The cricketer went to Dubai to make this special occasion memorable.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, has led Team India to victories in the ICC WT20 (2007), ICC World Cup (2011) and ICC Champions Trophy (2013).

Dhoni returned to Ranchi after the end of IPL, but returned to Dubai within a few days. Sakshi, who celebrated her 32nd birthday on November 19, revealed in a video she doesn’t discuss cricket with her husband as she believes it is his profession.

Chennai Super Kings has uploaded the video of their captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni on the official Twitter account. While sharing this video, Chennai Superkings has also written a fun caption. CSK wrote in the caption, 'Can we stop ourselves from smiling after watching this video? ‘Definitely not’.

If you remember during IPL 2020, these words became viral. Before the last match of Chennai Super Kings, commentator Danny Morrison asked Dhoni about his retirement. When Morrison asked if fans are watching him play in the IPL for the last time, Dhoni replied, Absolutely not! In that context, Chennai Super Kings also made it clear that Dhoni will captain the team in the next season ie. IPL 2021.

The M.S. Dhoni-led Chennai Super Kings became the first team to be eliminated from the race for IPL 2020 playoffs after Rajasthan beat Mumbai by eight wickets in Abu Dhabi.

Recently, there was reports that the former Indian captain is interested doing poultry farming and aiming to start the business from December as he has ordered 2000 Kadaknath chicks. This breed of chicken is free of cholesterol and fat.  For this, Mahi has approached the Kadaknath Farmer of Jhabua.