Mumbai: The Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS), which is investigating bomb scare case outside Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani’s Antilia residence as well as Thane-based businessmen Mansukh Hiren’s murder case, has seized a Volvo car from Daman. The vehicle is believed to be of a business partner of tainted cop Sachin Vaze.

The ATS, which carried out searches at three locations in Thane on Monday to find out clues related to Hiren’s murder case, raided a factory from where they found many evidences.

The ATS is trying to find out the vehicle’s real owner and how he is related to suspended police officer Sachin Vaze.

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The vehicle has been brought to the ATS office in Thane and the experts are examining the vehicle. The forensic department officials will also be assisting in examining the seized vehicle.

Hiren, the purported owner of the car which contained gelatin sticks and was found outside Ambani's residence in Mumbai last month. Hiren's dead body was fished out from a creek in neighbouring Thane district on the morning of March 5, hours after he went "missing".

This comes amid the growing clamour for Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh’s resignation following extortion charges levelled against him by former Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh.

The former Mumbai top cop moved the Supreme Court on Monday, seeking a seeking an “impartial and fair investigation” by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into Deshmukh’s “various corrupt malpractices”.

READ | Antilia Bomb Scare Case: CCTV Footage Shows Sachin Vaze, Mansukh Hiran's Meet On The Day Scorpio Was 'Stolen'

In his petition before the apex court, he also challenged his transfer to the Home Guards stating this was done in an “arbitrary and illegal” manner without the completion of the minimum fixed tenure of two years in violation of Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution of India.

Singh was transferred last week from the Mumbai Police Commissioner’s post in the midst of a probe by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) into the recovery of an explosives-laden SUV near Ambani’s residence.