New Delhi: The Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday said that Enforcement Directorate (ED) has given a "clean chit" to Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, who was accused in the alleged Delhi Excise Policy 2021-22 case, as reported by news agency PTI. Addressing the media, Aam Aadmi Party spokesperson Saurabh Bhardwaj said, "It is a matter of happiness for the Aam Aadmi Party that the ED also has given a clean chit to Sisodia today after the CBI did so…."
"The ED carried out raids at various locations but did not come to Manish Sisodia's residence despite him being the accused number-1. They (ED officials) developed cold feet. They left him because they felt that going to his house would be humiliating," he added.
However, ED has not reacted to the AAP's claim.
The Delhi government also accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of misusing central probe agencies to frame Sisodia in "fake cases" and stop Kejriwal and his government from "contributing to education and health".
"If it was the prime minister's fight against corruption as he says, the ED would have been carrying out raids against liquor mafia in Gujarat today," Bharadwaj alleged.
"It's not the fight against corruption but against Kejriwal. This entire effort is to stop Kejriwal's work in education and health," he added.
Earlier, Manish Sisodia unleashed a stinging assault on the Central government in response to the suicide of a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) worker last week and said: "Arrest me if you want, but don't destroy families of your officers," news agency PTI reported.
Meanwhile, CBI reacted to Sisodia's statement saying, "CBI strongly refutes mischievous and misleading statement by Manish Sisodia. It is clarified that the gentleman officer Late Jitendra Kumar was in no way connected with the investigation of the case," as reported by news agency ANI.
(With PTI Inputs)