Coronavirus in Madhya Pradesh: A young man from Indore one of the hotspots of coronavirus in Madhya Pradesh, landed himself in trouble after he took his luxury car out for a spin amidst the lockdown without wearing a face mask. According to reports from ANI the man was caught by the Indore's security committee personnel and made him do squats for not wearing a face mask. In the video of the incident which has gone viral on social media the young man, identified as Sanskar Daryani can be seen nonchalantly driving a yellow Porsche, two-seater convertible sports car, without wearing any face mask. The security personnel then stop the vehicle, asks him to step out and start doing sit-ups while holding his ears. Daryani obliges while also trying to explain that he has a curfew pass. Report by IANS also says that the man had stepped out to distribute food and had tried explaining it to the security forces.

According to the ANI report, Daryani said, “I was returning home from my company when I was stopped. I showed them my pass, but they verbally abused me and asked me to do sit-ups. I tried to talk to them, but they did not listen. I then followed their orders. They filmed it, cracked jokes, and then asked me to leave.”

Because of the high concentration of cases in Indore, it has become mandatory to wear face masks when in public spaces. In fact, face masks have become mandatory across the country to prevent the spread of the virus. The government has also advised that even homemade cloth masks, dupatta, scarves, or ‘gamchas’ (cotton stoles) can be utilized to cover the face.

The Police have been using innovative methods to deter people from breaking lockdown regulations. In Pune which is a hotspot in Maharashtra and has been sealed, sit-ups and even yoga are being used as a punishment for lockdown violators.