New Delhi: A student died while eight others were injured after a school bus ferrying them overturned in Madhya Pradesh’s sagar district on Tuesday morning, said the officials, reported news agency PTI. The bus which was carrying 40 students met with the accident at around 8 am near Chandrakar village on Rahatgarh-Khurai road, Superintendent of Police Tarun Nayak said.
The bus went out of control and overturned, he added.
The accident claimed the life of one 9th class student, the official said, quoted by the news agency.
According to the District Collector Deepak Arya, eight students have been injured and were undergoing treatment in different hospitals.
A case has been registered against the bus owner and the driver, the police official said.
Taking note of the incident, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra called the incident “disturbing” and wished for the safety of the injured children.
“Disturbed to hear the news of the accident of the school children's bus in Rahatgarh of Sagar district. I pray to God that all the children are safe,” he tweeted.
After losing control, the school bus overturned near village Chandrakar on Rahatgarh-Khurai road in Sagar. There was a scream as soon as the accident took place after which nearby villagers rushed to the spot. They took the students out by breaking the glass of the bus, reported ABP News.
Officials from administration also reached the spot shortly after the incident took place. As per ABP News sources, the driver is said to have been talking over the mobile phone when the incident took place.
MP Transport Minister Govind Singh Rajput announced Rupees 1 lakh of financial assistance to the family of deceased student while Rupees 15 thousand financial assistance to those who have been injured.
“I am in constant touch with the concerned authorities for proper treatment of the injured students. Along with this, I have directed the officials to provide financial assistance of Rs.1 lakh each to the families of the deceased and ₹ 15 thousand to the injured and their proper treatment,” he tweeted.