Amid the controversy over Delhi's excise policy, chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said that the policy would generate Rs 4,000-5,000 crore, but that revenue would be lost due to the intervention of Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena, as reported by news agency ANI. "Excise policy of AAP was supposed to generate revenue of Rs 4000-5000 crore but just two days before its implementation LG made many changes to it due to which 300-400 shops could not be opened. Their license fees and revenue did not come. This is the reason behind less revenue," Kejriwal told reporters in Gujarat's Bhavnagar.
This came after Bharatiya Janata Party's national spokesperson Shehzad Poonawala on Sunday cited an RTI application as he alleged that Delhi government's new liquor policy led to the loss of Rs 2500 crores to the exchequer.
Calling it "AAP Ka Paap", he wrote in a series of tweets that the now-withdrawn excise policy led to the loss of a minimum of Rs 2500 crore.
“AAP’s New Liquor Policy caused a loss of almost Rs 2000-2300 crore. The previous liquor policy had earned Rs 768 crore in September alone which means nearly Rs 25 crore per day, while the new policy could earn Rs 5,036 crore in 7.5 months meaning Rs 14.4 crore a day,” BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla said underscoring that the new policy should have garnered profit instead of bearing a loss of Rs 8 crore per day.
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia has been directly accused of corruption in this alleged liquor scam. In this case, the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi VK Saxena had recommended a CBI inquiry. Since then the CBI is continuously investigating the matter. Manish Sisodia has also been made an accused by registering a case in this case. The CBI has so far raided Manish Sisodia's house in this case and has also questioned him in his office. Apart from this, the investigating agency has also arrested some people. The investigation into the liquor scam is still on.