New Delhi: As the US Shutdown lurches to its fifth week, popular American pop star Lady Gaga slammed the US President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, during her Las Vegas residency.

On Saturday, the singer stopped her gig while she was performing the popular “Million Reason” to voice her piece on the present political gloom of the States. She said during her concert: “If the president of the United States could please put our government back..There are people who live paycheck to paycheck and need their money.” She then trained her guns at Mike Pence, over his wife Karen who recently accepted a job at a school that excludes LGBT and trans candidates.

"And to Mike Pence, who thinks it's acceptable that his wife works at a school that bans LGBTQ - you're wrong. You say we should not discriminate against Christianity...” she went on to say

"I am a Christian woman, and what I do know about Christianity is that we bear no prejudice and everybody is welcome. So you can take all that disgrace, Mr Pence, and you can look yourself in the mirror and you'll find it right there," she said as the hall thundered with applauses.

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Previously too, Trump and First Lady Melania have been slammed by Gaga on different occasions.

Trump made a new offer on Saturday in this regard, which keeps up his demands for a $5.7 billion border wall and reiterates a previous $800 million provision to address the humanitarian crisis at the border, but this time also offers to extend existing protections to immigrants with Temporary Protected Status for three years. The Democrats, however, rejected it as "non-starter".