After the spurt of Covid cases in the US, Japan, China and other countries, the Centre came up with fresh guidelines and asked the states to take up preventive measures to keep the Coronavirus at bay. However, after two case of the BF.7 variant were detected in our country, states are stepping up measures to control the spread of the virus. On this note, Karnataka Chief Minister Thursday said that the state government is thinking of conducting booster dose programme across the state.

The CM also appealed to the people of Karnataka to take precautionary booster doses and follow Covid-appropriate behaviour. Bommai revealed that only 20 per cent of the people in state have taken booster dose despite attempts made by the government to give the booster doses in districts and taluks.

Also read | Amid Covid Scare, Karnataka Decides To Increase Tests And Send All Covid Samples For Genome Sequencing

Taking to Twitter, CM Basavaraj Bommai wrote, "The central health department has given notice due to the increase in covid infection in foreign countries. In this regard, I am holding an urgent meeting with the health minister and senior officials and the expert committee today, and necessary measures will be taken after the advice of the expert committee."

"We are thinking of doing a booster dose program. I request the public not to panic in any way," he added.

Meanwhile, On Thursday, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya in Lok Sabha said that the states have been instructed to ensure that people wear masks, maintain social distancing and use sanitisers in the wake of the festive and new year season.