Srinagar, Jun 29:  In a major political development in Jammu and Kashmir which witnessed revocation of Article 370 last year, a senior hardline separatist leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani on Monday announced quitting the separatist platform -the All Party Hurriyat Conference. In a press statement the octogenarian separatist leader, Geelani stated about distancing himself completely from the All Party Hurriyat Conference.

Why did he quit?

Although he announced his decision through a press release, saying that he has written a detailed letter to the members explaining his decision as it is very hard to continue in the form under present circumstances. But, ironically the press release introduces him as Chairman Hurriyat, a post which he had left two years back. Ashraf Shehrai is presently Chairman of Hurriyat whereas Mirwaiz Umar Farooq is the chairman of another faction of Hurriyat.

According to news agency PTI, Geelani also cited "rebellion against the leadership" by cadres as one of the reasons.

When was the Hurriyat Conference formed?

The party was formed on March 9, 1993 as a united political platform of the separatist parties in Kashmir. After 10 years, the Conference had split into the moderate group headed by Mirwaiz Umer Farooq and the hardline group headed by Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

Geelani has remained mostly confined under house arrest in his Srinagar downtown of Hyderpora area home for the last four years. The leader has also been detained on and off under house arrest to maintain law and order in Kashmir.

Geelani also stated clearly that, henceforth, he shall not be answerable in any manner about the future conduct of the constituent members of the platform.

Meanwhile, Twitteratis and leaders reacted sharply to the resignation and hailed the revocation of Article 370. National Vice-president and Spokesperson, BJP, Baijayant Jay Panda said on a tweet, "Some had criticised the Modi govt abrogating the constitution's ONLY "temporary" article, #Article370 which facilitated terrorism, ethnic cleansing of Pandits, misogyny & more. They said it wouldn't work. Today the most virulent separatist #Geelani quit the Hurriat. It's working."

Some said the resignation doesn't make any difference to the region which has suffered killing for generations.