New Delhi: On Monday, the country is celebrating Basant Panchami, the festival which marks the onset of spring. The festival dedicated to Goddess Saraswati is known by different names such as Shri Panchami, Saraswati Panchami, Vasant Panchmi etc.

This day is also considered an auspicious day to begin a new work.


The festival has a symbolic representation of 'Yellow color' which depicts prosperity, light, positive energy and budding flowers after cold breezes of winter slowly go away.  

Here are some interesting facts about Basant Panchami

  • According to the Hindu mythology, the deity of knowledge, music, arts, science and wisdom Goddess Saraswati was born on this auspicious day.

  • Hindu Mythology also says that the great Lord Brahma created the universe on this day.

  • As per stories, the god of affection and desire, Kamdev who was burnt to ashes by Lord Shiva was brought back to life on this day after his wife Rati did 40 days of atonement to get her beloved husband back.

  • The festival occurs on the fifth day of Magha, Basant means spring while Panchami means the fifth day on which the festival falls.

  • The celebration of the auspicious festival can also be traced back to Dwapara Yuga. As per Srimad Bhagwatam and other Vaishnava scriptures, the spiritual Vasant ras Lila took place on this night on the Govardhan hill.

Twitter was also in festive mood on this auspicious day