Amidst the continuing Israel-Hamas confrontation in West Asia, Lebanese Ambassador to India Rabie Narsh has called for a 'peaceful solution' to the conflict, stressing that a 'two-state solution' is the only answer to the problem. Speaking with ANI, Rabie Narsh stated: "The situation in Lebanon is volatile. It's tense and worrisome, of course. We are worried because we have experienced Israeli aggression. We know that Israel is a real threat. And we have experienced the harsh aggression of Israel. So yes, we are worried and the situation is very tense."

"But at the same time, we are doing all our efforts to keep the situation limited to what we have seen in the exchange of fires. We call for a peaceful solution to the crisis. This solution will only be the two-state solution that all the international community has been calling for", the envoy stated. 

Concerning the potential of Hezbollah entering the continuing fight amid talk of a two-front war, the ambassador stated that "there is a possibility of escalation," but that his government is "doing its best not to get involved in this conflict."

"Given the fact that the societies in the Middle East are so interrelated that we consider ourselves the Arab race. I mean, one family or one people. So what hurts a Palestinian would hurt a Syrian, a Lebanese and every Arab. So, given this fact and the fact that the human loss is unbearable, what we have seen in Gaza is genocide, as well as ethnic cleansing from the Israeli side. So, there is a possibility of course of escalation," the Ambassador was quoted by ANI in its report. 

"But having said that, again, our government is doing all its best not to involve Lebanon or not to drag Lebanon into this war. We are not interested in war, but obviously, Israel is interested in war. That's why they kept provoking Hezbollah and provoking the situation by bombing homes in southern Lebanon", he added.

Speaking further on Iran's role in the ongoing crisis, the envoy stated, 'Iran doesn't want to become engaged,' based on what he has heard. 

"I don't speak for Iran. I mean, they speak for themselves, but what I've heard is that they are not involved. I mean, they don't want to get involved. And so far, you know, the situation has been there for three weeks--more than three weeks--with no involvement from Hezbollah or Iran. It's only one side attack, from Israel, on the Palestinian and civilian infrastructure of Palestine. Like I said, it is ethnic cleansing. It is a genocide by Israel. It's madness and this madness has to stop," he stated. 

Earlier, the head of Lebanon's Hezbollah met with top officials of Palestinian terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, according to the Times of Israel.

The Israeli tabloid published a photograph of Hezbollah commander Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hamas deputy head Saleh al-Arouri, and Islamic Jihad chief Ziad al-Nakhala that was tweeted on social network X.

Previously, Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian warned that if Israel continues to pound Gaza, violence might spill over into "new fronts."

'India Is A Peace Loving Country': Lebanese Ambassador

While discussing India's position in the conflict, the ambassador noted that 'India is a peace-loving country' and that his country asks for greater engagement and pressure from the Indian side on the Israelis. 

"India is a peace-loving country. India is a big player in the international community. They have the rising power and they have lots of responsibilities because, with this and promoting themselves, I mean, they are a peace-loving country and they do have lots of things to do with this crisis. Of course, they are in contact with the leaders in our region, but we also call for more involvement and more pressure from India on the Israeli side to stop this madness," said the envoy.

When questioned if Lebanon and India had spoken, the ambassador stated that there had been "no direct or bilateral contact between Indian officials and Lebanese officials," however they "are in continuous cooperation and coordination with the Indian side." The ambassador praised India's peacekeeping presence in Lebanon, saying that 'India has a huge role to play'.

"This is very much commendable. We always commend India. Like I said, India is a peace-loving country, and they are maybe one of the biggest contingents in Lebanon in the peacekeeping forces. We are happy to see this Indian contribution to peace and stability in Lebanon. We commend India for that and we asked them to keep up this peaceful presence in Lebanon because, like I said, India has a big role to play," stated the envoy.