Zero Controversy: After the launch of the trailer of the ambitious new film Zero, which stars Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma, a member of member of the Shiromani Akali Dal filed a criminal complaint against Shahrukh Khan and other. Manjinder Singh Sirsa filed a complaint against the film and on Facebook, he wrote “Shame on Shahrukh Khan on devaluing Sikh Kakaar and hurting Sikh sentiments by showing Kirpaan as a show-off ordinary dagger Kirpaan can only be worn by a Khalsa - a pure Human being.”

Manjinder S Sirsa, who is a member of Legislative Assembly, Delhi (MLA) and National spokesperson Shiromani Akali Dal, demands that objectionable scene and the poster showing Kirpaan as ordinary dagger should be removed from the film 'Zero'. He says that if his demands are not met then the community will be forced to stage protests outside movie theatres.

On his Facebook post, Sirsa further added, “I demand Shahrukh Khan & Zero film producer Gauri Khan to immediately withdraw this poster #Zero. We would be forced to take legal action against Zero film team if this poster and promotion is not withdrawn.”

Zero is an upcoming 2018 Bollywood movie written by Himanshu Sharma and directed by Aanand L. Rai and is jointly produced by Colour Yellow Productions and Red Chillies Entertainment's Gauri Khan, and distributed by Red Chillies Entertainment. Shah Rukh plays the role of a vertically-challenged person in the film, which is set to be released on December 21. The makers of the film zero are yet to comment on the controversy.