New Delhi: Former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Wednesday waded into the turmoil in Uttarakhand Congress, saying "you reap what you sow" in response to tweets by Harish Rawat.

"You reap what you sow! All the best for your future endeavours (if there are any)," Amarinder Singh tweeted tagging Harish Rawat.

Former Uttarakhand chief minister Harish Rawat was recently the Punjab Congress in-charge and handled the internal turmoil that ended in Charanjit Singh Channi replacing Amarinder Singh as the chief minister.

'It Is Time To Rest': Harish Rawat's Tweets Creates Buzz

On Wednesday, Harish Rawat stirred a hornet's nest after he hinted, in a series of tweets, that he was not receiving the required support from the party and was reconsidering his future.

In a cryptic message on Twitter, Harish Rawat, who is said to be close to the Gandhis, appeared to be critical of the Congress leadership.

Taking to Twitter, Harish Rawat said, "Isn't it strange that the organisational structure at most places, instead of extending a helping hand, is standing with its head turned away or playing a negative role at a time when I have to swim across the ocean of elections."

"The powers that be have let loose many crocodiles (predators) in the sea that we have to navigate. Those whom I am supposed to follow, their people have tied my hands and feet. I have been getting the feeling that Harish Rawat, it's gone too far, you have done enough, it is time to rest," Harish Rawat tweeted.

Asserting that he was reconsidering his future, the Congress leader said, "Then there is a voice in the head that quietly says I am neither weak nor will run from challenges. I am in turmoil. Hope the New Year shows me the way. I am confident that Lord Kedarnath (Shiva), will show me the way."