Uttar Pradesh: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has resumed preparations for the forthcoming 2019 Lok Sabha elections. The newly elected CM is taking these polls as a challenge and is taking aid from his MPs and MLAs to understand the mood of the voters.

CM has reiterated at several occasions that these polls are going to be a test for him as well.

CM on Saturday invited MPs and MLAs of 6 districts to his office; where he would discuss the mood of the common man. What does the common man want? What are his aspirations? Also what public thinks of PM Modi’s and Yogi’s policies like PM housing scheme and Ujjwal Gas scheme.

Yogi would hold a dialogue with the public representatives on these issues.  On the basis of the above answers Yogi would draft his strategy for the upcoming elections.

As per CM’s media adviser, Yogi keeps meeting MPs and MLAs, a meeting of this sort is taking place over public queries.

CM Yogi has fixed one day to meet the parliamentarians, whereas he meets the MLAs twice a week. In Saturday’s meeting CM has invited MPs and MLAs from Moradabad, Sambhal, Bandayu, Shahjahanpur and Saharanpur.

UP has a total 80 Lok Sabha seats. In 2014, BJP won 71 and its supporting parties won 2 seats.