CM Yogi Adityanath was quoted as saying that these things are being implemented phase-wise and he feels that when Uttar Pradesh will need an NRC, his government will do so. "In the first phase, it has been Assam and the way it is being implemented there, it can be an example for us," he said.
Adityanath said that the exercise was important for national security and would put an end to the suffering of the poor due to illegal immigration.
Last month, the Assam government released the final NRC list in the state, leaving out over 19 lakh people. The massive drive was carried out with an aim to drive out illegal settlers from Assam.
Also Watch | Hooda backs CM Khattar's idea of implementing NRC in Haryana
Earlier, Delhi BJP president Manoj Tiwari had sought an NRC for the capital city and on Sunday, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said that he was exploring legal options to carry out a similar exercise in his state. Khattar said that the state is working on a fast pace on a family identity card and its data would also be used for the NRC.