The Delhi Police has reportedly refuted news of the department having failed to uncover enough evidence in the sexual harassment case involving Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, the chief of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI). According to news agency PTI, The police had initially stated that they did not have adequate evidence to arrest Singh, who has been accused of sexually harassing seven female wrestlers, including a minor. The police has now said that the investigations are still on, the report said.
In response to media reports suggesting a lack of evidence, the Delhi Police clarified that these claims were incorrect. They said that the investigation into this sensitive case is still ongoing and being conducted with the utmost sensitivity. The police added that a final report regarding the matter would be submitted to the relevant court.
A PTI report had earlier quoted a senior officer as saying that the police will submit a report in court within 15 days. The developments come a day after wrestlers reached Haridwar to immerse their medals in Ganga but were later stopped by farmers' leader Naresh Tikait.
Since April 23, the protesting wrestlers had been demonstrating at Jantar Mantar, demanding the arrest of Singh. However, on Sunday, they were removed by the police after attempting to march towards the newly inaugurated Parliament building. Although the wrestlers were initially detained, they were later released.
Meanwhile, terming the intense protest by wrestlers an emotional drama, Wrestling Federation chief Brij Bhushan, who is facing cases of sexual harassments, has said there is no evidence against him and he is ready to be hanged if any allegation is proved against him. "If a single allegation against me is proven, I will hang myself. If you (wrestlers) have any evidence, present it to the Court and I am ready to accept any punishment," he said.
"Even today I stand by the same thing. It's been four months, they want to hang me. Since the government is not going to hang me, they are going to throw their medals in the Ganga. I will not be hanged by throwing medals in the Ganga. If you have evidence then go and give it to the police, give it to the court and if the court hangs me then I will be hanged. What's happening is just an emotional drama."