New Delhi: On the occasion of world environment Day, a Delhi-based start-up that supports social initiatives in mitigating global challenges is going to bring women environment leaders from across the world on one platform. 

BASIC (Bridge Association for Social Initiatives aiming at ‘Change’) is a start-up that emerged earlier this year and works towards structuring and enhancing the social initiatives with a vision to collectively work towards a better world for the future generations. 

The event that is being organised by BASIC is named ‘She Talks Nature’ on Sunday, at 5 pm in partnership with the United Religions Initiative (URI) which is the world’s largest global grassroots interfaith network, present in more than 110 countries. It also includes a partner, Srishti, which is an NGO that works for capacity building and sustainability through innovative mediums, especially for women, artisans, and rural citizens. 

According to a press release by BASIC, the Director of the start-up, Geetanjali Atri, said “Even as the world recognises the complementarity of interaction between gender equality and enhanced environmental outcomes, women still remain increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Today, the conscious lot of the world has accepted that despite all the vulnerabilities faced by them, women provide invaluable contributions to sustaining communities and managing the Earth’s biodiversity and natural resources. Our idea is to honour the contribution of women in protecting the #onlyoneearth.”

The virtual World Environment Day celebration would see a mix of live interactions and recorded participation of women leaders from the domains of academics, faith-inspired organisations, and social-change actors, the press release added. 

The live sessions would be marked by discussion between the moderator, Geetanjali Atri and the invited speakers. 

The speakers would include Prof Priyanka Kaushal, Associate Professor, Centre for Rural Development and technology, IIT-Delhi; Azmaira Alibhai, Faith and Ecosystems Coordinator, UNEP Faith For Earth; Kanchana Weerakoon, President, Eco-Friendly Volunteers, Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Acharya Pratishtha Ji, Yoga Guru, and Author. Rev Lauren Van Ham, Climate Action Coordinator for United Religions Initiative would also share her reflections.