New Delhi: The winter session of the Parliament began on Friday after much delay due to Assembly elections in Gujarat and Himachal. Congress MPs issued a notice in Rajya Sabha demanding an apology from Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the House for alleging that his predecessor Dr Manmohan Singh and other party leaders colluded with Pakistani officials at a dinner in Delhi last week to defeat BJP.

Congress MP Ghulam Nabi Azad said his party will not let the House function until an apology is issued by the prime minister. Union Minister Giriraj Singh, on other hand, said there's no question of PM's apology.

Before the commencement of the Session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had sought the opposition's cooperation for a constructive Winter Session of Parliament.

"The time of the House will be utilised positively on debates in the interest of the nation," Modi told the media ahead of the session.

The session, which would continue till January 5, 2018, would discuss many important government initiatives which would have far-reaching impact on the nation, he said.

"I hope there is constructive debate and we come up with innovative solutions to our nation's problems," Modi said.

He said even in the all-party meeting held on Thursday, there was unanimity to use Parliament's time in a productive and positive manner.

"I also hope the session will strengthen our democracy and a new confidence will be created to fulfil the expectations of the common man," he added. "We need to take the country forward."

Briefing reporters on Modi's remarks, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar said the prime minister appealed to leaders of all political parties to help build a consensus on the matter.

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday called on Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu.

Singh met Naidu, who is also the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, on the eve of the winter session of Parliament. Naidu tweeted about the meeting. Singh is a Congress Rajya Sabha member from Assam.

ALSO READ: Modi hopes for fruitful winter session

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused Singh of colluding with Pakistan to ensure the BJP's defeat in the Gujarat assembly polls drawing a major political storm.

Singh hit back at Modi for allegedly spreading "falsehood and canards" to "score political points in a lost cause".