Mumbai: Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray, who led a massive march against Bangladeshi and Pakistani infiltrators in Mumbai,  on Sunday, questioned the anti-CAA protests by Indian Muslims, stating that it is difficult to understand their agitation as the new law is not meant for them.

Lauding the BJP government at the Centre for CAA, he said: "I do not understand why Muslims are protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act. CAA is not for the Muslims who were born here."

"To whom are you showing your strength?,” he was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.

He said the CAA law made in 1949 during the partition was different from the amended law. "I praised the government when they do good things like scrapping of Article 370, construction of Ram Mandir, implementation of CAA among others," Thackeray said.

Also Read: Raj Thackeray Leads Mega-Morcha To Oust 'Bangladeshi & Pakistani' Infiltrators

Over 100,000 activists led by the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena President Raj Thackeray, marched in a mega-procession to demand the ouster of Pakistani-Bangladeshi infiltrators living in the country, in Mumbai, on Sunday afternoon.

The entire route from Girgaum Chowpatty to Azad Maidan resembled a sea of the MNS' new saffron-hued flag with the symbol of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's Royal Seal, and the marchers donning arm-bands of the party symbol, some sporting matching t-shirts and caps.

Marching peacefully and in an orderly fashion, many raised slogans demanding that the illegal migrants living in the country should be driven away as they are a drain on the country's economy, resources and jobs, besides posing threats to national security.

(with inputs from agencies)