Ramdev's statement: Yog Guru Baba Ramdev made a statement on the Ram Mandir row during the inauguration of Patanjali Garments showroom in Ahmedabad's Sindhu Bhawan Road. He said that BJP would lose the trust of people if Ram temple is not built in Ayodhya this time. He said that lord Ram is the pride of India. "Where else will the temple be constructed if not in Ayodhya . Will it be built in Meccah Medina", asked Ramdev.
He recently pushed for an ordinance on the matter as a viable way to construct temple.
What Kailash Vijayvargiya said: Vijayvargiya asserted that it was only the saffron party that could construct the Ram temple at Ayodhya as "no one else has the guts" to do it. "Only BJP can construct the Ram Temple, nobody else has guts to construct the Ram temple. We will do it. But we will do it by respecting the court, Constitution and social fabric," he said in an interview to news agency PTI. But he emphasised that the temple issue did "more harm than good" to the BJP as the matter was being used by the opposition "to terrorise minorities and polarise votes".
"We would appeal to the court once again for a verdict on the issue (Ram Mandir). When a matter is in court, we should not be in a hurry and give it enough time to take a decision. But if people's aspirations keep increasing, the government will have to take a call on it (whether to bring ordinance or not)”, he was quoted as saying by the agency.
As of now, the party is not thinking of bringing in an ordinance on construction of temple," he said.
The Supreme Court has recently declined an early hearing of petitions in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title dispute case. It had earlier fixed the case for the first week of January before an "appropriate bench", which will decide the schedule of hearing.
When asked about the growing clamour for ordinance by various organisations and political outfits such as Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), RSS and Shiv Sena, he reiterated that they would have to appeal to the court for an early verdict. Thousands of devotees thronged Ayodhya on November 25 to attend VHP's 'Dharam Sabha' to discuss the Ram Mandir issue, with a senior religious leader asserting the dates for building the temple would be announced early next year.