Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that guarantees given by him are not electoral promises. While addressing Kshetriya Panchayati Raj Parishad in Haryana, PM said that when Modi gives guarantees he translates them into reality. "Modi's guarantees are not electoral promises. When Modi gives his guarantee, he translates them into reality on the ground," PM Modi said, as quoted by news agency PTI.
During the virtual address, PM Modi took a swipe at the Congress and said that over 16 crore rural centres had become the hub of corruption for Congress and its like-minded parties. "Even after seven decades of Independence, electricity could not reach in 18,000 villages. Over 16 crore rural centres had become the hub of corruption for Congress and its like-minded parties," PM Modi said, as quoted by PTI.
He further said that the Congress party never made concrete efforts to strengthen the Panchayati Raj institutions during its rule. "Concrete efforts were never made to strengthen the Panchayati Raj institutions during the Congress rule," PM Modi said, as quoted by PTI.
Continuing his attack on the grand old party, the PM said that Congress didn't know how important it was to implement panchayati raj in villages. "Zila panchayat has immense power to bring major changes in any sector. Congress didn't know how important it was to implement panchayati raj in villages," PM Modi said. "Today, the country is moving ahead unitedly, with full enthusiasm to build a developed India and to fulfill the resolutions of Amrit Kaal," PM Modi further said, as quoted by PTI.
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