Vishwakarma Puja- India’s festival celebrating the architect god Vishwakarma is being marked across the country on September 16. The Hindu festival seeks to worship Lord Vishwakarma, who is regarded as god of creation, engineer god, god of architecture, and god of manufacturing. It is celebrated across country with people performing puja of their vehicles, houses, electronic appliances, machinery etc hoping for success in their respective works. Also Read | Navratri 2020: No Garba This Year? Gujarat May Miss Festive Zing As Organisers Shun Celebrations

How people celebrate Vishwakarma Puja:

People organize Puja in their houses, shops, offices or other workplaces. They perform a katha followed by an aartee after which prasadam is distributed. They apply tilak and offer flowers to their means of livelihood. People do not use these devices. It is marked not only by the engineering and architectural community but by artisans, craftsmen, mechanics, smiths, welders, industrial workers, factory workers and others.

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Where is it celebrated?

It is celebrated in states such as Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Tripura. The festival is also celebrated in its neighbouring country Nepal.


As per Vishwakarma Puja Sankranti moment  is 07:23 PM on September 16

Vishwakarma Puja falls on the last day of the Bengali month Bhadra which is also known as Bhadra Sankranti or Kanya Sankranti.


It is believed that Bhagwan Vishwakarma constructed the holy city of Dwarka which was ruled by Krishna. He also built a palace for Sudama as Krishna’s behest. It is said he also created many weapons for other gods and is regarded as “divine carpenter” in Rig Veda.