West Bengal violence: Fresh tension erupted in West Bengal after Security Forces on Sunday stopped the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders in the state while they were taking the bodies of deceased workers to the party office following which they started raising slogans against the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) in the state. According to reports, top state BJP leaders were leading a hearse of deceased party workers on the Malancha Road, which connects Basirhat to Kolkata, when they were stopped by the police. The BJP delegation included party MP Dilip Ghosh, Hooghly MP Locket Chatterjee, Rahul Sinha and many others. Security Forces informed the BJP leaders that a procession with dead bodies cannot be allowed to enter Kolkata as it may lead to a law and order situation.

"Families of the deceased want to take the remains to party office but Mamata's police are stopping us saying that last rites will be held in village. If police don't leave then last rites will be done here on road," Locket Chatterjee, BJP MP from Hooghly in Basirhat told news agency ANI. Another BJP leader Rahul Sinha informed that the party has called a 12-hour 'bandh' in Basirhat and in entire West Bengal tomorrow. "We will observe black day. BJP will move court over Police role. Remains of the deceased are being taken to their native places for funeral," he said.

Sinha further said that the party was also ready to proceed to the party office even in a police cordon, but stopping them like this was not acceptable. The BJP has alleged that as many as four of their party workers were shot dead by the members of TMC in Basirhat's Sandeshkhali area on Saturday. The deaths took place during a clash between workers of both the parties after TMC workers allegedly removed flags with party's lotus symbol from one building.

The Central government on Sunday expressed deep concern over the ongoing violence in West Bengal saying the "unabated violence" even after the Lok Sabha polls appears to be a failure on part of the state government. In a strong advisory to the West Bengal government, the Ministry of Home Affairs - headed by Amit Shah - also asked it to maintain law and order, peace and public tranquility.

"The unabated violence over the past weeks appears to be a failure on the part of the law enforcement machinery of the state to maintain the rule of law and inspire confidence among people," the advisory said.  It was 'strongly advised' to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to maintain law and order, peace and public tranquility, the advisory said.  "It is also requested to take strict action against officials found delinquent in discharge of their duty," it said.