Chennai: After cancelling his trip to Sri Lanka, superstar Rajinikanth has written a letter to Sri Lankan Tamils thanking them for their love."I came to know about the love you have for me through media. I have no words to thank you all for the love and affection. Let us believe good things will happen. Let good things happen. When time is right we will meet. I pray almighty for your well-being," Rajinikanth wrote to Sri Lankan Tamilians.

The superstar’s decision to cancel his visit to Sri Lanka came after he met with opposition from pro-Tamil outfits in his state. He was scheduled to formally present keys to 150 homes built by Gnanam Foundation for the internally displaced Tamils in the island nation.

However, the visit was opposed by the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK) and Marumarlarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMDK). Gnanam Foundation has been focusing on re-building infrastructure in the key areas of Sri Lanka which were badly affected in the civil war that took place around three decades ago.