Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday stated that the state government is working towards providing Maratha reservations, meanwhile, those who are eligible can avail of benefits under the 10% EWS (Economically Weaker Section) reservation quota.

His remarks follow the Supreme Court of India's upholding of the Central government's 10% EWS reservation.

"We are also working on providing Maratha reservations in the state. Meanwhile, eligible people of the state can avail of benefits under the 10% EWS reservation quota," news agency ANI quoted Maharashtra Deputy CM as saying. 

In a historic decision, the Supreme Court on Monday confirmed the constitutionality of the 103rd Constitutional Amendment, which grants members of the economically weaker sections (EWS) 10% reservation in admissions and government posts, by a vote of 3:2.

"The Supreme Court approved PM Modi's 10% EWS reservation quota, which would provide new educational and career prospects. EWS reservation would be offered to financially disadvantaged persons who are not covered by any caste reservations:" Fadnavis added further, ANI reported. 

40 petitions contesting the legality of the 103rd Constitutional Amendment adopted by the Center in 2019 were decided in four unique ways by a five-judge constitution bench led by Chief Justice U U Lalit.

ALSO READ: EWS Quota Verdict: SC Pronounces Judgment With 3:2 Majority. Here's What Dissenting Judges Said

In addition to calling for quotas in the private sector, senior BJP leader and former Union minister Uma Bharti applauded the Supreme Court's judgement sustaining the 10% reservation for EWS in admissions and government posts.

“All the poor people have the same caste, they are poor. This reservation will bring unity to the country. My appeal is that all the needy people in the world unite and fight their battle for a better life." In another tweet, she advocated for implementing the reservation system in the private sector as well.

The Centre established the provision for EWS reservation in admissions and public services through the 103rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2019, which was passed.

The Centre had previously said before the Supreme Court in 2019 that the statute offering a 10% quota for EWS was implemented to advance "social equality" by giving "equal opportunities in higher education and employment to those who have been excluded by virtue of their economic status".

(With Inputs From Agencies)