Mumbai: A viral video in which an alleged harasser was beaten up by a woman cop outside a railway station can prove to be a perfect deterrent for many indulging in such crimes. The incident took place in Mumbai's Wadala in the state of Maharasthra where a man under the influence of liquor indulged in the crime of eve-teasing. It is only after the woman constable came to know about it, she made sure to teach the man a lesson.

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She beat him up and warned him of dire consequences if he would continue to do such petty crimes.

A case has also been registered against the accused involved in the incident. In the video, the woman cop can be seen beating up the man who allegedly harassed woman outside the railway station with a stick.

This video will send out a strong message to all those who under the influence of alcohol or otherwise indulge in such crimes. Take a look at the viral videos of the day right here.

Earlier, a woman from Bihar's Sitamarhi was seen beating up a man with her slippers in a viral video. The reason behind her extreme behaviour was that the man used to eve-tease her daily. Out of rage, she beat him up publicly.

Such incidences are rampant in the country and women face such harrasment on a daily basis. 

Eve teasing’ is a common crime with at least 50 per cent to 100 per cent of women reporting victimization. The daily threat of ‘eve-teasing’ can go on to curtail women and girls’ participation in public because such crimes have become a regular where man violate laws to commit such crimes often in broad daylight.