New Delhi: Ever since the new 2000 rupee note was launched, there has been a lot of talk about the quality, the size and the color of the new bright pink coloured currency note. The announcement made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to demonetize the old series of 500 and 1000 rupee notes and release the new 2000 rupee notes sparked wide ranging reactions from across the country.

Thousands took to social media to express their opinion of the new high denomination note. Several videos surfaced as well. One of these shows the colour of the note fading out.

The video uploaded by a the name of ‘Aam Aadmi Party’ shows the colour of the note fade out if you rub it with a wet towel. Watch the video here:

(Video Courtesy-Aam Aadmi Party/Youtube)

Note: ABP News does not take any responsibility for the authenticity of this video.