New Delhi: Congress leader Shashi Tharoor shared a warm-hearted moment with one of his 'biggest fans' from Nagaland who requested him to share some secrets on how someone "so astonishingly good-looking and charismatic" can be "brilliant and intelligent" at the same time. Tharoor famous for his wittiness replied by saying, "Choose your parents wisely, it's all in the genes." He added that there are things one can do to change themselves and then there are things that one can't help with.

In the short two-minute video, the senior Congress leader explained that reading became a habit for him in childhood, and he 'knows a lot' because he retained a lot of all he read. He further advised people that in order to learn how to speak fluently and to get better at public speaking one must go out to interact with the real audience and not just sit at home to practice in front of a mirror. Tharoor said, "There's no foolproof thing, and you can't sit at home and practice in front of a mirror, one has to go out and interact with the real audience to see how they react. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work."

In the same event, an audience member actually bought an Oxford dictionary to understand Tharoor's English.

ALSO READ | Viral Video: Man Brings Dictionary To Shashi Tharoor's Event, Cong MP Says 'This Is Getting...'

Shashi Tharoor was in Nagaland to campaign for his party in the recently-concluded Assembly elections.

With 37 seats won, the NDPP-BJP coalition easily won a majority in the 60-member Nagaland Legislature. For the second time in a row, the Congress, once a powerful force in Nagaland politics, was unable to secure any seats in the Assembly. Nonetheless, it increased its vote share to 3.55 percent, up by 1.45 percentage points.