New Delhi: US President Donald Trump landed himself in yet another round of embarrassment as he stretched his hand out to greet Poland's First Lady but she walked right past him to shake hands with his wife Melania instead.

The U.S. and Poland's presidential couples were shaking hands Thursday before Trump's speech in front of a crowd in Warsaw, the Polish capital.

Poland's first lady, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, shook hands with Trump and then all four of them lined up for a photograph.

She then moved with an extended hand toward Melania, but Trump, standing nearer, thought the handshake was for him again and reached out to Kornhauser-Duda. He flashed a somewhat startled and disappointed look when the Polish president's wife shook Melania's hand, not his.

Quickly sizing up the situation, Kornhauser-Duda gave Trump a second handshake and he gave her a pardoning smile.

Agata Dudas did shake hands later with him but to clarify it Poland's President Andrzej Duda posted a video on Twitter. But by then Twitter again erupted ridiculing Trump. Checkout some of the best tweets below.

(With additional information from AP)