New Delhi: A video of a teenage girl from Kashmir's Shopian district in which she is seen reporting about the weather in the valley has taken the social media by storm! In a video shared on Twitter, the girl is seen reporting from the spot holding a marble slab pretending it to be a mic and giving details about the current snowfall in the district. The viral video has attracted the attention of many journalists as well as celebrities.

15-year-old Eiduha Iqbal in a one minute 19 seconds video, gives details of how the accumulated snow had almost reached the height of the first floor. She also told about a secret tunnel that the kids have built as a hideout so as to escape themselves from studying. She also took an interview of two children who built the quirky hideout under the snowcapped surroundings.

Twitterati is applauding this young girl for her confidence and professionalism. Even the senior journalists of various media outlets have praised her reporting, with many suggesting Eiduha to take it as a career.

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