New Delhi: A day after taking charge as the 29th Chief of Army Staff, General Manoj Pande said on Sunday, May 1, that the Indian Army, along with its two sister services, the Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy, will work together and take things forward for the cause of national security and defence.

The Army Chief said that he has known the other two Service chiefs well, and that it is a good beginning of synergy, cooperation, and jointmanship among the three services, news agency ANI reported.

General Pande also said the three of them have trained together, and worked together on certain occasions as they grew in their respective fields. He added that they are fortunate to have once again got the opportunity to work together at the helm of their Services. 

Chief of the Indian Air Force Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram Chaudhari, Chief of Army Staff General Manoj Pande, and Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral R. Hari Kumar are from the 61st National Defence Academy (NDA) course. 

"I have known the other two Service chiefs very well. I think it is a good beginning and good indication of synergy and cooperation and jointmanship among the three services. And I want to assure you that all three of us will work together and take things forward for the cause of national security and defence," he said.

On Sunday, the Army Chief received the Guard of Honour at South Block in Delhi, and appreciated the Guard for an impeccable turnout and impressive parade.

After the Guard of Honour ceremony, General Pande said,  “It is a matter of immense pride and honour for me that I have been entrusted with the responsibility of leading the Indian Army, which I accept with all humility. Indian Army is fully committed to the values of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.”

The newly appointed Army Chief also said that his foremost priority will be to ensure high standards of operational preparedness across the entire spectrum of conflict. 

He added that in terms of capability development and Force modernisation, his effort will be to leverage new technologies through the process of indigenisation and 'Aatmanirbharta'. 

General Pande asserted that he would like to focus on ongoing reforms, restructuring and transformation so as to enhance the Army's operational and functional efficiency. He said that the aim will be to enhance inter-Service co-operation.

The Army Chief noted that all officers of the Indian Army from its different arms and services get an equal opportunity for career and professional growth. He added that in senior leadership positions, all officers are trained and oriented on all aspects of warfighting. 

General Pande stated that it is a matter of pride for him to have been given the leadership of the Indian Army, which had a glorious past of maintaining the security and integrity of the nation. "In the same way, it contributed towards nation-building," he said.

The Army Chief noted that whether it is the rapidly changing geopolitical situation in the world or any conflict on the border, the Indian Army along with the Air Force and Navy is fully prepared to face all kinds of challenges. "My endeavour will be to take forward this work done by my predecessors," he said.

On the very first day of taking command of the Indian Army, General Pandey said: "The way the Indian Army has done a lot of work so far to maintain the security and integrity of the country, I want to assure the countrymen that the army will maintain it."