Mumbai: ABP News has accessed a CCTV footage of the charter plane that crashed in Mumbai’s Ghatkopar on Thursday in which five people lost their lives. The visuals obtained shows the aircraft comin pluinging down befoe exploding into a ball of flame.

There weren’t people around the moment at which the the plane came crashing on the ground at the under-construction building. The CCTV reportedly was positioned at an adjoining building from where the shocking visuals were captured.

Eyewitnesses at Sarvodaya Nagar on Thursday said the plane was seen hurtling down amid rain and crashed with a deafening roar before bursting into flames at around 1.30 p.m. Local residents said they heard two to three explosions and assumed it was a gas cylinder blast.

Police officials are trying to procure more CCTV footage from buildings to establish clearly how the crash happened.

The King Air C90 12-seater aircraft had taken off from Juhu airstrip on a test flight. Two pilots, three technicians and a pedestrian lost their lives in the horrific tragedy.