New Delhi: A 21-year-old aspiring airhostess died in hospital on Friday after being stabbed multiple times by a man in full public view in Mansarovar Park area of Shahadara. She was brought to the hospital in a critical condition. 

She suffered deep wounds in her stomach by 22-year-old accused Adil who is absconding after committing the gruesome crime. A manhunt has been launched to arrest him.

The incident took place in a busy market area where there are many shops. Nobody came forward to help the girl who was constantly being stabbed by Adil. Two girls are seen as witnesses to the crime but couldn't gather courage to stop the attack or alert people around.

According to a PTI report, it is suspected that they had an argument and he stabbed her multiple times,
He family were unable to share details about why Adil attacked their daughter. However, it is suspected that Adil might be harassing the woman, police said.
Locals informed the police and rushed her to a hospital.
The call detail records of the victim was being scanned to get any clue about the accused.