Actor Allu Arjun visited Hyderabad stampede victim Sri Teja, who has been receiving treatment, at a KIMS hospital, Begumpet in the capital on Tuesday. The stampede that took place during the screening of 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' at Sandhya Theatre resulted in the death of a woman and serious injuries to her son, Sri Tej. 

Earlier, Allu Arjun received a permit of Ramgopalpet police to visit 9-year-old Sri Tej. The police providing him permission also mentioned certain conditions including to not publicise the visit in order to avoid law and order issues. 


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Last month, Allu Arjun's father Allu Aravind visited the boy and assured all required support to the kin. At the time of the visit, he donated Rs 2 crore collected with contributions from Allu Arjun, Pushpa 2 producers and director Sukumar. 

The police warned the actor that any lack of cooperation on his part would make him solely responsible for any adverse outcomes during his hospital visit. On January 6, they issued another notice urging him to keep the visit confidential to maintain public order around the hospital. The police also assured him of making necessary arrangements for the visit.

Meanwhile, the police alleged that Allu Arjun visited the theatre without prior permission and conducted a 'roadshow,' which they claimed led to the tragedy. The actor was arrested on December 13 in connection with the case but was granted interim bail by the High Court on the same day. Last week, the Nampally Court granted him regular bail, directing him to cooperate with the investigation and report to the concerned police station every Sunday.