New Delhi: Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday said that war is not an option and called for peaceful dialogue between India and his country in a bid to resolve the mutual issues.

In his maiden address at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, the Pakistan Prime Minister said, “India must take credible steps to create enabling environment for constructive engagement. We are neighbours and we are there forever, the choice is ours whether we live in peace or keep on fighting with each other.”

“We have had three wars from 1947 onwards and as a consequence, only misery, poverty and unemployment increased on both sides. It is now up to us to resolve our differences, our problems, and our issues through peaceful negotiations and discussions,” PM Sharif said.

Calling for peaceful dialogue to resolve the mutual issues, he said, “I think it's high time that India understands this message that both countries are armed to the teeth. War is not an option, only peaceful dialogue can resolve issues so that the world becomes more peaceful in the time to come.”

Speaking about the Kashmir issue, PM Shehbaz Sharif said that Pakistan is looking for sustainable ties with all its neighbours, including India, and added that a sustainable stability in South Asia is contingent upon a lasting solution to the dispute over Jammu and Kashmir.

The Pakistan Premier also talked about the impact of climate change resulting in the devastating floods in the country and warned the United Nations that climate disasters will not remain confined to his country.

“My heart and mind have not been able to leave home. Standing here I am still standing in flood-affected areas in Pakistan,” he said, adding, “"Pakistan has never seen a more stark and devastating example of the impact of global warming. Life in Pakistan has changed forever."