New Delhi: With just one day left for Raksha Bandhan and Independence Day approaching, widows who live in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh have designed over 500 special rakhis and 75 tricolours to send to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. According to an IANS report, some of the widows would visit PM Modi on Raksha Bandhan to tie rakhis on him but in the last two years, they weren't able to meet the Prime Minister due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This time some of them are expected to meet the PM on Raksha Bandhan, reported the news agency.

A Sulabh International official told IANS, "Mothers living in the ashram of Vrindavan have prepared special rakhis with images of Prime Minister Modi and are also sending 75 tricolours along with them."

Some of these rakhis are decorated with gold tassels, glitter etc. They have been prepared by the widows living in Maa Sharda and Radhatila ashrams in the temple town.

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“The organisation has been working for the widows of Vrindavan, Varanasi and Uttarakhand for the last 10 years. They have been taught a lot of skills, including the skill of making Rakhi,” the Vice President of Sulabh International Social Service Organisation told ANI.

Bindeshwar Pathak, social reformer and founder of the Sulabh movement aims to break the social stigma of widows not being allowed to take part in celebrations or festivities. Through this NGO, all important Hindu rituals are being celebrated by widows living in Vrindavan. Rakshabandhan is also one of them.

Vinita Verma, Vice President of Sulabh International, told IANS, "Earlier, on behalf of thousands of widows, four-five widows used to go to Delhi to tie rakhi and give sweets to Prime Minister Modi. This year also we are in touch with the Prime Minister's Office."