New Delhi: As Virat Kohli on Wednesday became the fastest cricketer to score 10,000 runs in One-day Internationals surpassing the record of the iconic Sachin Tendulkar, netizens could not hold their emotions. As Kohli achieved the milestone, #KingKohli started trending on top on the micro-blogging website Twitter. Users outpoured their adoration for the star cricketer on social media.

Kohli took 205 innings to score 10,000 runs for which Tendulkar had taken 259 innings. With this, he became the thirteenth only batsman to make the record. Kohli is currently the world’s number one batsman in both the Test and one-day formats.

For his phenomenal performances, Kohli has been awarded the Arjuna award, ICC World Cricketer of the year and multiple BCCI international Cricketer of the Year awards.

Twitter users had the best reaction to Kohli’s unbeatable batting. Check some of the