New Delhi: An extraordinary attempt to blow off the rocket cracker using a cigarette by an old man has gone viral on social media. A video showing a man firing as many as eleven rocket crakers from his cigarette has taken the social media by storm. However, it should be noted that smoking cigarettes are very injurious to health and also such attempts of firing rockets or crackers should not be practiced at home.

The video showed the man holding the rockets and lighting them with his cigarette that he was smoking. He expertly put the rockets on fire one-by-one using his cigarettes and blew all of them off within 20 seconds.

Here, watch the video-

As soon as the video hit the internet, the Twitterati started pouring in reactions from all over the world. Some of them even called him 'Rocket launcher man' and compared his attempt with that of space agency NASA that launches rockets into space.