New Delhi: A man narrowly escaped the death after a train ran over him at the Jharsuguda railway station in Odisha on Tuesday. The man identified as Rajesh Talwar, was reportedly travelling from Hawra to Sambalpur when the incident occurred. He fell on the tracks through the gap between the platform and the train at the station while trying to board a moving train. The video of same has now gone viral on the social media platform where Talwar can be seen being dragged for a few meters after he fell on the tracks.

Talwar stepped off the train which halted at the Jharsuguda railway station to get a cup of tea. As the train started to move, he attempting to board. However, while boarding the train, Talwar slipped down to railways track at Andheri railway station and before he would have stood, a train ran over him. He got stuck with the side-wall of the track.

The train was halted immediately and security personnel deployed at the station rushed to rescue him. However, it is yet to be ascertained whether the man suffered any internal injuries during the mishap.

Later, Talwar boarded the same train which left for its destination.

Watch the viral video here-

In an earlier incident, a man escaped death by a whisker while he was crossing a railway track in order to reach the other side of the platform. Had it not been for his quick thinking, the story could have been a different one altogether. The video of that incident also went viral.