Uttarakhand: A Sikh police Sub-Inspector is making rounds on social media and receiving applaud for helping save a Muslim man’s life from an extremely aggressive mob, which lost cool after seeing the boy with a Hindu girl inside a temple in Ramnagar.

The couple met in crowded temple in Girija village, where they got surrounded by a group of men, who started blowing kicks and slaps on the boy.

As per reports, the men belonged to Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal.

Watching the wrath of mob, Sub- Inspector Gagandeep immediately intervened and confronted the group all-alone.

In the video, it can be seen that after the police officer refused to hand-over the boy to the mob, the group started chanting anti-police slogans.

As per reports, when the girl asked a man why he had beaten up the boy, the man allegedly responded: “We will chop him to pieces. You are a Hindu and roaming around with a Mulsim man. I will chop you too.”

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