NEW DELHI: In the most common punishment given in Indian schools, students are asked to do sit-ups. Generally, students are asked to perform this while holding their ears with hands. While people in India perceive it as a punishment, several videos, which are going viral on social media, claimed that it's a brain exercise and has the capacity to turn your brain into a supercomputer.

Touted as 'Super Brain Yoga', this sit-up exercise increases the focus and the power of concentration among children, claimed a video shot in the United States. It also said that the exercise serves to pacify and normalize the behaviour patterns of children. In other videos, 'Super Brain Yoga' is perceived as a method that will help people energize their brain and enhance its sharpness and clarity.

People featured in these videos said they perform this exercise every day.

After I learned this 'Yoga', I noticed it made a difference in my life. Now I wasn't spending much time looking for my keys. It does seem strange but the effects are so worthy. In just five minutes a day, it made such a dramatic change in my life," said a Yoga teacher of United States.

According to spiritual guru Pawan Sinha, the exercise we now call sit-ups was associated with Yoga in the Puranic period. However, Yoga teacher Pratishtha refused to accept it as a part of the Indian Yoga.

Neurologist Dr. Sandeep Vohra said the claims made in the video are overhyped. Deep breathing techniques and physical exercises do give relaxation to human minds but to say 'sit-ups' can cure autism, Alzheimer and other disabilities is nothing but exaggerations.